Distributing DuckDB From The CLI

During a recent conversation with a friend, we discussed my sharing the results of some analysis I did with him. I used DuckDB to crunch some numbers and created a small database to hold all my transformations – just a few tables & views.
However, I was looking for an easy way to allow my friend to access my work without having to send him the entire file every time I made an update.
Fortunately, I remembered one of my favorite tools, ngrok, that allowed me to share my work over the network! So naturally, I wrote a small re-usable script that allows me to instantly share a local DuckDB file through a publicly (or password-protected) accessible link.
Using a small script, I was able to share my local db with one line:
./duckdb-share.sh dani.db
And my friend was able to instantly use it from their terminal:
D attach 'https://d3a0-209-35-224-123.ngrok-free.app/dani.db';
D select * from dani.analysis_results
Here's the full script, save it as duckdb-share.sh
and make it executable.
set -e
ngrok http file://$DB_FILE_PARENT_FOLDER --log=stdout >/dev/null &
sleep 1
PUBLIC_URL=$(curl -sS http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | jq -r '.tunnels[0].public_url')
echo "Database file $DB_FILE_NAME is now being shared, to connect in DuckDB execute:"
echo "> load httpfs; attach '$NGROK_URL';"
echo "To kill the share, execute:"
echo "> kill -9 $(ps aux | grep ngrok | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')"
To show how it works, if you run this, expect the following output, containing a copy-pastable snippet to be run on the DuckDB consumer side.
./duckdb-share.sh path/to/duck.db
Database file duck.db is now being shared, to connect in DuckDB execute:
> load httpfs; attach 'https://d3a0-209-35-224-123.ngrok-free.app/duck.db';
To kill the share, execute:
> kill -9 42114
The consumer on the other side just has to attach to the remote database:
attach 'https://d3a0-209-35-224-123.ngrok-free.app/duck.db';
load httpfs;
first!As a gist:

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