3 min read

Bridging the gap between Engineering and Analytics

"Analytics engineering" has been proposed as a solution to the gap between data engineering and data analytics, but is it the best approach? Find out why a shared responsibility culture may be a more effective way to bridge the gap.
Bridging the gap between Engineering and Analytics
Photo by Giancarlo Revolledo / Unsplash

In recent years, the field of data engineering has grown significantly, as organizations of all sizes have come to recognize the value of collecting, storing, and analyzing data. However, despite this growth, there remains a gap between data engineering and data analytics, the downstream consumers of the data that data engineers collect and prepare. This gap can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, and it raises the question: is the gap between data engineering and data analytics similar in culture to the historical gap between software engineering and operations?

In theory

There are certainly some similarities between the two gaps. In both cases, there is a division of labor between two groups of professionals who work closely together but often have different goals and priorities. Software engineers are responsible for building and maintaining software systems, while operations professionals are responsible for deploying and managing those systems in production. Similarly, data engineers are responsible for collecting, storing, and preparing data, while data analysts are responsible for using that data to draw insights and make decisions.

One key difference between the two gaps, however, is that the gap between software engineering and operations has been much more widely recognized and addressed. The development of the DevOps movement, which advocates for a culture of shared responsibility between development and operations, has done much to bridge this gap and improve collaboration between these two groups.

So, is a shared responsibility culture like DevOps the answer to the gap between data engineering and data analytics? It's certainly possible. By adopting a DevOps-like approach to data engineering and data analytics, organizations could improve collaboration and communication between these two groups, leading to better outcomes and more effective use of data.

However, it's important to recognize that the gap between data engineering and data analytics is not exactly the same as the gap between software engineering and operations. Data is a more complex and multifaceted resource than software, and the challenges of working with data are often different than those of working with software. As such, a one-size-fits-all approach like DevOps may not be the best solution for every organization.

It's all just Software Engineering anyway

In practice

A shared responsibility culture like DevOps in the world of data engineering and analytics would involve a number of changes to the way these groups work together. Some key characteristics of a DevOps-like culture in data engineering and analytics might include:

  • Collaboration and communication: Data engineering and data analytics teams would work closely together, with regular meetings and exchanges of information to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Shared ownership of data: Both data engineering and data analytics teams would have a stake in the quality and integrity of the data they work with, with both groups working together to ensure that data is accurate and complete.
  • Cross-functional training and skill-sharing: Data engineering and data analytics professionals would have the opportunity to learn from each other and share skills and knowledge. This could involve training sessions, job shadowing, or other forms of collaboration.
  • Continuous improvement: Data engineering and data analytics teams would work together to continuously improve processes and systems, with a focus on efficiency, reliability, and agility.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: Both data engineering and data analytics teams would be flexible and adaptable, able to respond to changes in the business and in the data landscape.

Overall, a shared responsibility culture like DevOps in data engineering and analytics would involve a shift away from traditional siloed approaches, where each team is responsible for its own work and there is little collaboration or communication between groups. Instead, it would promote a culture of collaboration and shared ownership, with both data engineering and data analytics teams working together to achieve common goals.

Analytics Engineering

One approach that has been proposed to bridge the gap between data engineering and data analytics is the concept of "analytics engineering." This involves the creation of a new role that combines the skills of a data engineer and a data analyst.

However, some critics (me) argue that the analytics engineering role falls into the same trap as "DevOps" roles, which are expected to do the work of two different roles instead of promoting a cultural shift. For example, an analytics engineer may be expected to both collect and prepare data and analyze that data, leading to a workload that is unsustainable in the long term.

Additionally, some argue (again, it's me) that the analytics engineering role may not be effective at addressing the root causes of the gap between data engineering and data analytics. Instead of addressing the culture and processes that contribute to the gap, the analytics engineering role simply adds another layer of complexity, creating a new role that must be managed and supported.

In conclusion, while the analytics engineering role may have some benefits in terms of improving collaboration and communication between data engineering and data analytics, it may not be the most effective way to bridge the gap between these two groups. A more sustainable and effective approach may be to promote a cultural shift that encourages collaboration and shared responsibility across all data engineering and data analytics roles